HI - I'm Got Plug? I'm a Mini E. That's an electric car being field tested by Mini. I have a few hundred siblings in the United States. We mostly reside on the left and right coasts where brave volunteers are pioneering with us. The volunteers are, for the most part, humans. You know; feet instead of tires, eyes instead of headlamps, pretty weird but they seem likable enough.

So, I am going to try to keep you interested with a diary of my activities here in the USA. I come from Germany which, of course, means I am very smart, good looking, fast, and thrifty.

Me on the MINI E E*Tour

Me on the MINI E E*Tour
All tucked in for the night

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

GOT PLUG? Chapter 6 MINI E E*Tour, Post 3

2009.10.16 - Trip Preparation

Don got a call from Billy at MINI E saying he had received Don’s email regarding one of my minor charging issues and had noticed that we were planning a lengthy trip soon. He said a Flying Doctor would be at MINI of the Hamptons on Monday to give me a sound physical prior to the trip. Don did not ask for a Flying Doctor and the MINI of the Hamptons Service Department is closed on Mondays. MINI USA did not let that get in the way of checking me out.

Shawn, an FD from MINI , was there at 9AM on the dot. He proceeded to palpate me, drive me, put me through all sorts of scenarios to see if he could find even a hiccup. For four hours he examined and tested me, then patted me on the bonnet and pronounced me ready for the trip.

Pardon me for sounding a bit snooty, but can you think of any other car family where the upity-ups would volunteer and initiate a special trip to check out one lowly little car that might or might not need some attention, and one that was clearing planning on leaving the prescribed 60 mile radius comfort range of the dealership.

So, THANKS TO MINI E for encouraging Don and giving me a thorough physical before the trip.

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